
Expert, Honest, Affordable Tech Help for Ottawa

Capital Tech Support is a one-man IT ninja force.
Whether remotely or in person, I am a trusted source for all your technology needs. Big or small, I am knowledgeable, experienced, honest and best of all, affordable. Trust me with your tech!

Call 613-288-5776 or e-mail help@capitaltechsupport.ca

Gerry & Riley


Hi there, my name's Gerry!Capital Tech Support is my part-time, one man business which provides on-site and remote computer support to home and small business customers in the Ottawa-Gatineau area.Computers and technology not are only my profession but my passion and have been since I was old enough to read. For those of you who are old enough, I first cut my teeth on a Commodore 64. I have over 35 years of knowledge and almost 15 years of professional experience servicing technology.In 2008, I started Digital Lifeline, a full-time endeavour to provide superior on-site service with my best friend. We were seeing many in the industry who were more about the upsell than honest service. We saw an opportunity to raise the bar for what people should expect in tech support. The company closed at the end of 2010. However, I still had customers who wanted to keep working with me and thus, Capital Tech Support was born. This is and will always be a side gig to my full-time IT job but it's been seeing steady growth and I hope it continues to.Almost all my new customers come from referrals. My reputation is my most important asset and I cherish it greatly. I am still as committed as ever to providing honesty, top shelf service and building relationships with my customers. I want you in my client roster for the long-term and I work hard to earn that trust. Many of my best customers have been working with me for over a decade now.In my spare time I enjoy video games, movies, travelling and am an active variety live streamer on Twitch and also run a YouTube channel and raise funds for a number of charities through them.I call myself a Tech Ninja as a playful way of showing that like a real ninja, I'm fast, efficient and I make tech problems disappear without a trace. I am driven to do only the best job I can and honesty is at the core of everything I do.Don't trust your tech to someone from a big chain who is paid terribly and is taught to sell, not service. Trust me with your tech and I promise I won't disappoint.By the way, that handsome doggo in the photo with me is Riley. You can see more pictures of him and my other pets here.Gerry Corcoran
Owner/Tech Ninja

Cable "Management"

On-Site Support

The core awesomeness of Capital Tech Support is on-site service. That means I come to you and provide a solution at your place, on your schedule. Dragging your PC into a store when it's needs work is a pain. Waiting for days, being unable to reproduce the problem in the store, being just another number in a huge service queue, these all make the experience more frustrating than the problem was in the first place. Most of the time, it's not even that economical when you factor in the costs of fuel and your valuable time.I've got years of experience in fixing computers in homes and offices and come stocked with all the tools I need to get the job done quick and proper. Here's just a few of the things I can do on-site:- Tune-ups
- Virus and spyware removal
- Networks, wired and wireless
- Setup of new computers and peripherals including transferring data
- Troubleshooting of all kinds of hardware and software problems
- Corporate network planning and development
- Server installation and support
- Line of business software troubleshooting
- Virtually anything else that involves setting up or troubleshooting technology
I offer flat rate pricing which gives peace of mind because no matter how long it takes, you know up front how much it will cost. A typical service call will cost $150 but if you need additional tasks performed or your job is particularly tricky, I'll give you an estimate before any work is done.Most of my services come with a 30 day labour warranty and I also guarantee that if I can't fix your problem, it won't cost you anything. Should an issue require more time than I can provide on-site, I will take your equipment away with me if you wish, finish the job and return it at no additional cost.I offer a personal, friendly, professional, expert and most importantly, honest service experience that you'll never get from the big box chains. I'll never sell you something you don't need and I'll never rip you off. This is at the core of how I do business. I do this because I believe that my strength comes from building long-term trust and relationships with my customers, rather than just charging you as much as I can up front.If you want tech support that's a cut above the rest, put your trust in Capital Tech Support.Call or e-mail today to learn more!

AKA What Using A Mac Is Really Like

Remote Support

When time, distance or whatever else make it hard to get your tech serviced on-site, Capital Tech Support can still help! Using a state of the art software tool, I am able to offer many services remotely, as long as you can start your computer and have a reasonably stable Internet connection.I can offer remote support to virtually anyone in the world and can fix a number of common software issues and diagnose many hardware issues as well. It's more affordable and faster as a remote session can often be done immediately when you call in. The process is completely secure from start to finish and after I disconnect from your computer, the software automatically removes itself. You can even watch me work like I'm right there!Most of my remote support services come with a 15 day labour warranty and I also guarantee that if I can't fix your problem, it won't cost you anything. When you're in a real rush or don't live in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, this is a great solution for many common problems. Obviously, any major hardware or connectivity problem will require an on-site visit but for the lighter stuff, this is a great and affordable option.I offer a personal, friendly, professional, expert and most importantly, honest service experience that you'll never get from the big box retailers or big service chains. I'll never sell you something you don't need and I'll never rip you off. This is at the core of how I do business. I do this because I believe that my strength comes from building long-term trust and relationships with my customers, rather than just charging you as much as I can up front.If you want tech support that's a cut above the rest, put your trust in Capital Tech Support.Call or e-mail today to learn more!

I Should Probably Update This Photo


While Capital Tech Support's main business is providing service for the technology you already have, sometimes you just want a one stop shop for everything you need. I have long-standing relationships with some of Canada's premier wholesalers and because of that, I have access to a wide variety of new and refurbished computer systems, components and accessories to fit almost every budget for both home and business customers.I only sell products I believe are worth the money and will serve your needs for the long term. If I wouldn't trust a product for myself, I won't recommend it to you. I am constantly evaluating new and existing brands and only stay loyal to those that maintain a high standard of quality. Many retailers offer stuff that's cheap but it's important to know that stuff is cheap for a reason. Whether it's poor specs, low build quality, weak tech support or subpar warranty, it's always made up for somewhere. I will never sell low quality products because they provide a lousy experience for my customers and that ultimately hurts my reputation. If you want the cheapest stuff, best to check a big box store. If you want good quality stuff, I'm a great place to ask!When you buy from me, you're not going to get hassled to buy overpriced accessories and extended warranties because I know that what I'm selling you is up to the job so it won't need them. My prices are not the cheapest you'll find but when you buy from Capital Tech Support, you can buy with confidence.Whether you're looking for accessories, an upgrade, a new computer or a whole fleet of products for your small office, Capital Tech Support can get you great stuff at competitive prices and without the pushy big box experience.Call or e-mail today to learn more!

I Aim to Prevent This


Capital Tech Support is committed to doing its part to help the environment and curb the epidemic levels of electronic waste (or e-waste) ending up in landfills. This isn't going to be some lecture about how we must protect Mother Earth for Our Children's Future, you don't need me to tell you that.However, did you know that e-waste is one of the most dangerous and toxic forms of waste on the planet right now? That computer or tablet you're probably reading this on contains some crazy poisonous stuff and when it ends up in a landfill, that leeches into the ground, the water and all sorts of other places. It's incredibly damaging to the planet and to local environments. As electronics become bigger and bigger facets of our every day lives, there's more and more of it ending up in places it shouldn't be. The Province of Ontario has taken steps in recent years to try to curb how much of this ends up in landfills. It's not a perfect program but it's better than what a lot of the world has and I want both myself and my customers to do what we can.Here's how I am doing my part to help and how you can help too, using the old school Three Rs analogy:Reduce
I don't try to sell my customers the cheapest gear. I try to sell them gear that's future proof and will last several years, not just until next year. This is good for the environment because it means less e-waste is being created in the first place and it's good for you because though you may pay a bit more now, you'll ultimately pay a lot less in the long run.
If you have old gear that you don't need any more but that's still useful, I will take it from you and donate it to charities that can use it. I've donated dozens of computers and other electronics over the years to local non-profits as well as groups like World Computer Exchange, who refurbish them and give them to less fortunate people to help them improve their own lives. You can do this yourself or I will happily do it for you at no charge.
Any e-waste you have that's either broken or too old to be useful I will take to a certified Ontario Electronic Stewardship certified recycler. I will only deal with recyclers that have a stated commitment to never send electronics overseas, where they are often dismantled in horrendous conditions by exploited labourers. Electronics can be broken down and have a number of their internal components recycled to be used in other things and if you have stuff you either can't use or is just plain busted, I'll make sure it's properly recycled at no charge to you. Computers, electronics, appliances, even batteries, if it's electronic, it can be recycled!
Call or e-mail today to learn more!

If Only This Existed


If you'd like to learn more about my services or just need some tech advice, call 613-288-5776, e-mail help@capitaltechsupport.ca or use the form farther down below to do the same.The phone number will likely go immediately to voice mail but I am notified of your message immediately and will return it promptly.

You can also sign up to my mailing list by entering your name and e-mail address below. Don't worry, I only e-mail this list a couple of times and year and only with useful stuff. You can unsubscribe at any time.


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Thanks for reaching out! I will endeavour to get back to you ASAP. It'll usually be a few hours at the very most.